This page will help you get started with Maze.Guru API

Authentication Process

  • After get the ID and Key, make sure to test the authentication process, the process is as below
  1. Create signature original {"appId":"appId","timestamp":xxxxx} , use the private key for SHA256withRSA signature, and perform Base64 processing.(see the code demo below)
  2. Add Authorization in the request header, and the value as{"secretKeyVersion":"1","appId":"appId","sign":"signature", "original": "signature original"}
  3. Make a HTTP request, the signature expiration time is in 5 minutes.

Code Demo

from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
from Crypto.Hash import SHA256
from Crypto.Signature import pkcs1_15
import requests
import time
import json
import base64

# RSA Signature
def rsa_sign(data, rsa_key):
    h ='utf-8'))
    signature =
    return str(base64.b64encode(signature), encoding = "utf-8")

# RSA Verification
def rsa_sign_verify(data, sig, rsa_key):
        h ='utf-8')), base64.b64decode(sig))
        ret = True
    except (ValueError, TypeError):
        ret = False
    return ret

def test(appid):
    now = int(time.time())
    # build message
    plain_text = {
        "appId": appid,
        "timestamp": now
    original = json.dumps(plain_text, separators=(',', ':'))
    print(f"original {original}")
    auth = {
        "appId": appid,
        "secretKeyVersion": "1",
        "sign": sign(original),
        "original": original
    headers = {"Authorization": json.dumps(auth, separators=(',', ':'))}
    print(f"headers {headers}")
    response = requests.get(f"", headers=headers)
    response.encoding = "utf-8"

def sign(text):
    private_key_base64_str = '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'
    public_key_base64_str = 'MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCrmkXAGJJg8Sjm3QuWDRpZbDAnZzTSxO9cxJr0nKgHTQgW394GsrXeQbTfb/mHWWKl0qvFpMoX0URxj2fzu80P+CNTCiu8DU3slZmq8DHwpEsSGuXKKiU1evHalmsiOvab0C2AasHyqojG7w2P1q76QPLkkT0jH4ibbcq+xIv61QIDAQAB'

    sign = rsa_sign(text, RSA.importKey(private_key))
    sign_result = rsa_sign_verify(text, sign, RSA.importKey(public_key))
    return sign

if __name__ == "__main__":
    appid = 'wja0q53lmql4cm2yd1'


Gateway URL(Base URL)

QPS limitation sets qps to 50

Response format

Normal return

  "code": 200,  
  "msg": "",  
  "data": {}  

Error return

  "code": 201,
  "msg": "Signature has expired",
  "data": null

Error code

Error codeError message
20110001The prompt contains sensitive words
20110002Incorrect or unsupported seed image link
20110003Seed image contains sensitive information
20110004Job does not exist
20110005Job key does not exist
20110007Model does not exist
20110008The job is being generated and cannot be revoked/accelerated
20110009The status of the job has changed, please refresh
20110010Insufficient points balance
20110011The job is not in the queue and cannot be revoked
20010015Unsupported sizes/resolutions
20110000Text translation failed
1000err unknown
1001Invalid request param
1005Token authentication fail
1024Invalid image param
1054This artwork is high resolution
1056style_id does not exist
1062Signature expired
1063The job not belong to current user
1088Stylize must be between 0 and 1000
1090job not ready